Family, Flowers, Gardening, McGee, Middle Tennessee, My Tennesse Heritage, PaGee, Photography, Southerners, Tennessee, Tomatoes

PaGee and His Tomatoes, by Beverly Hicks Burch

PaGee and his Tomatoes By Beverly Hicks Burch Yesterday I wrote about repotting some of the herbs and veggies Tall & Handsome and I have accumulated over the past couple of weeks. I also shared my love of green growing things which seems to be a family thing. It appears this “plant” thing has been… Continue reading PaGee and His Tomatoes, by Beverly Hicks Burch

Abraham Lincoln, Alabama, Civil War, Diary Quilt, East Tennessee Heritage, Family, genealogy, George Washington Shaffer, Gomez, Henry Ogle, History, Lawrence County Tennessee, Life, Mark 3:25, Middle Tennessee, My Tennesse Heritage, Ogle, Quilt Blocks, Sevier County Tennessee, Slavery, Southern Belle Block, Tennessee, The Free State of Winston, Winston County Alabama, Yankee Puzzle Block

The BamaSteelMagnolia(TM) Diaries – Chapter 2: Southern Belle and Yankee Puzzle…or a House Divided Will Fall..

The BamaSteelMagnolia™ Diaries – Chapter 2: Southern Belle and Yankee Puzzle…or a House Divided Will Fall… By Beverly Hicks Burch In her book A Quilter’s Diary: Written in Stitches, author Mimi Dietrich includes a section on “heritage”. Many of you would not be surprised to know I was drawn to that section. After all, genealogy… Continue reading The BamaSteelMagnolia(TM) Diaries – Chapter 2: Southern Belle and Yankee Puzzle…or a House Divided Will Fall..